"Get out of here!"

"Really. In a lacy bra and panty set, matching slip, I feel sexy!"

After laying the nightie beside him on the bed, Wayne just stared blankly back at me. "What's the matter? I asked.

"Nothing," he sadly pouted, massaging his sore shoulder. "Only you promised to help!"

"HELP? But..."

"Fine, Ron. Be that way!" Shooting me a dirty look, Wayne slid off his bed, tugging down his panties.

"HOLY SHOOT!" I cried as his underwear dropped to his ankles. "Where the heck's your.

"Right here," he sourly smirked. "Under my gaff!" "Your WHAT? A GAFF?"

Focusing on his crotch, I realized it sported some sort of flesh colored sheath. Blushing, Wayne deftly reached between his shapely thighs. When his hand reappeared, it held the gaff.

"THANK GAWD! It's still there!" Centered within sensuous femininity was his small lifeless manhood. The bizarre contrast rattled my already frazzled nerves!

An uncertain smile spread across his perfectly straight, capped teeth. "It's small...isn't it?"

Feeling clammy all over, I said, "How would I know!" "...it doesn't work anymore..." "Wayne, STOP IT!"

I tried denying it, but he was right. His maleness was a lot smaller.. .In fact, it had shrunk to minuscule proportions and seemed to lack any kind of vitality!

I swiftly helped him into the baby dolls. Standing back, I watched Wayne tip toe to his vanity bench and opened a drawer and took out another GAFF.

Turning his back he said, "It feels better when it's hidden away. Squeezing his thighs tightly together, he blushed beet red as he adjusted the gaff. "This and the hormones did it.. .my body's changed."

"I'm worried about between your ears," I stated. "INSIDE? I see and feel things differently, now. Pretty flowers make me smile...on rainy days I cry. Your touch... "Yeah?"

"It was nice, Ron. I REALLY liked it!" "Like a girl would like it?"


"That's just it," he tearfully confessed. "I don't look...or FEEL much like a man, anymore. I feel like a woman. Did you know that they could give me a special mixture of hormones and I would be able to nurse a baby?"

"NO? You wouldn't!"

Tension enveloped the room. We were both too afraid to speak.

Fiddling atop his cluttered vanity, Wayne picked up his hair brush. Reaching behind his head with his free hand, he tried to tug the bow off his braid.

"OUCH!" he cringed. "Darn this shoulder. It hurts more now than when it got hit!"

"Wait, Wayne. I'll help." Untwisting his chocolate brown tresses felt very awkward. But then again, I really didn't care. "Thanks," he smiled, gazing endearingly through the lighted mirror. "Just one more itsy bitsy favor?" "Ah...yeah...sure..."

"Brush? PLEASE!"


It must've looked strange, yet seemed quite natural. After stroking his thick, long, straight mane, I asked, "Look okay?” "PERFECT!" he purred, licking his luscious crimson glossed lips with deep satisfaction. "Keep it up. Only...' "Yeah, yeah, I know. Just 199 more strokes to go!"

By the 173rd stroke, the tension had long since waned, replaced by a calm blissfulness. But it wasn't to last!


"Hear something?" I warily asked. "A door slamming

"Nothing, I'm sure," Wayne dreamily sighed. "Probably just an old alley cat.'


Checking my watch, it seemed too early for the movie to let out. I went back to brushing.

"WENDY, we're HOME!" Rachel shouted, barging through the bedroom door. "Good lord. . .Ron! What do you think you're DOING?"

Shocked, both Wayne and I froze stiff. Then, right behind her daughter, Mrs. Carr appeared.

She scolded Wayne. "A BOY doing in your room? That's not very lady like.

"How cute!" Rachel teased. "Will you brush my hair, too, Ron?"

"It not what it seems," I flailed. "Wayne got hurt and I was just..."